Organic Farmer Researcher Network: Planning Meeting

May 4, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Interested in helping us build this organic farmer research network? Participation is open to all for this planning meeting. We’ll discuss the value of doing more workshops like the one held this February and some of the other ideas we’ve heard about what this group might accomplish. If you have an idea to share but can’t make the meeting, please reach out to Julia, Denise, or Cassy. We’d love to talk to you.

About this Group

Farmers, educators, researchers, and other interested individuals are welcome to join us on the first Thursday of each month to discuss a variety of topics related to organic production research. If you have questions or ideas, please contact one of our group leaders: Julia Barton (OEFFA), Denise Natoli Brooks (Central State University), or Cassy Brown (Ohio State). 

Recordings of selected previous meetings are posted at

Connection Details


  • Please direct questions about the meeting series to Cassandra Brown | | 419-685-1159
  • If you have a disability and have trouble accessing this content, please call the Ohio State Accessibility Help Line 614-292-5000.
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