Organic Farmer Researcher Network: Blue Owl Hollow vs. Ailanthus altissima: Lessons from the Fray
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When Janell Baran and her husband purchased their forest farm property in the late 1990s, it came with some unwelcome guests: large infestations of invasive woody plants such as Ailanthus (aka Tree-of-Heaven), Japanese barberry, Oriental bittersweet, and multiflora rose. Using a 2007 SARE Farmer-Rancher grant, she trialed non-chemical control measures to be used particularly on Ailanthus altissima. Her research has even more relevance today, as Ailanthus is the primary host species for the destructive spotted lanternfly which is beginning to infiltrate Ohio counties. Janell’s innovative research included not only successful control methods for Ailanthus, but an investigation into using it as a possible farm revenue source at the same time.
Janell will outline her research planning process, including partnerships, obstacles, successes, regrets, next steps, and advice for others thinking of applying for a project grant. Please plan to join us and bring your questions!
Read more about Janall’s project at
Thursday, March 2, 2023, noon – 1 p.m.
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