February Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting: Working Group Meetings

Feb 6, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

We are currently forming work groups to develop projects. These groups are based on ideas that arose from our network workshops and meetings and have farmer leadership as well as technical and logistical support from one of our facilitating organizations. While we’re happy to work one-on-one with individuals to develop projects or help them seek resources and technical assistance, we’re also looking for additional farmers to participate, inform, or learn together in these groups.

We want to hear your nuanced questions, strategies that worked or didn’t, and other experiences around these group topics. We will be splitting into the following groups for discussion.

  • Participatory Onion Breeding & Marketing Options
  • Cover Crops for Vining Cucurbits
  • Effectiveness of companion plantings (specialty crop production)
  • Flaming for Weed Control (agronomic crop production)
  • On-Farm Mushroom Spawn Production
  • Livestock Questions and Answers (fly and tick control on organic farms + other ideas for future discussion.)

We hope to have several of these working groups meet in person at the OEFFA Conference from 1-5 p.m. These virtual workshops are meant to lay the groundwork for a more production in-person meeting and to capture input from people who can’t attend in person. 

Virtual Meeting Connection Details

Join Zoom Meeting 

Join by Phone
Dial 1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) or 1 651 372 8299 (Minnesota)
Meeting ID: 950 2259 7557
Password: 654283
Use *6 to mute/unmute
Use *9 to raise/lower hand

Past meeting session topics and YouTube links are posted at offer.osu.edu/oofrn-events. This meeting will not be recorded. 

The Organic Farmer Researcher Network is a collaborative effort facilitated by Central State University, the Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association, and The Ohio State University. Network activities are also supported with a USDA-NIFA OREI planning grant.

Cassandra “Cassy” Brown
Program Manager / Outreach

OSU College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences 

School of Environment and Natural Resources
1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691

brown.1844@osu.edu | 330-263-3634

Denise Natoli Brooks 
Educator, Agriculture & Natural Resources 
Central State University Extension 
Southeast Ohio Region  
dbrooks@centralstate.edu | centralstate.edu 

Johnnie Speicher (he/him)
Sustainable Agriculture Educator
Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association
johnnie@oeffa.org | oeffa.org