Organic Weed Management Resources

FACT SHEETS, WEbinars, and other resources

from Ohio State and beyond...

Jump to a topic: General Ecological Weed Control | Cultivation | Weed Seedbank Management | Cover Crops | Mulching | Weed ID Guides 

General Ecological Weed Control

Weed Life Cycles and Management (Brochure)
Andrea Leiva Soto, Chensong Hu, Catherine Herms, Douglas Doohan, The Ohio State University

Twelve Steps Toward Ecological Weed Management in Organic Vegetables (Fact Sheet)
Mark Schonbeck, Virginia Association for Biological Farming

Weed Management: An Ecological Approach (Webinar)
Diana Jerkins, PhD & Mark Schonbeck, PhD

An Ecological Understanding of Weeds (Fact Sheet)
Mark Schonbeck, Virginia Association for Biological Farming

Integrated Weed Management: Fine Tuning the System (resource book for purchase)
Erin Taylor, Michigan State University
This resource book goes beyond compiling written information from researchers and extension personnel to also include input from experienced growers through featured crop rotations, profiles, and on-farm trials.


Steel in the Field: A Farmer's Guide to Weed Management Tools (Online book)
In practical language, Steel in the Field presents what farmers and researchers have learned in the last 20 years about cutting weed-control costs through improved cultivation tools, cover crops and new cropping rotations. This 128-page book is available as a free download from SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education).

Weed Seedbank Management

Cultivation and Seedbank Management for Improved Weed Control (Webinar)
Eric Gallandt, University of Maine

Manage the Weed Seed Bank—Minimize "Deposits" and Maximize "Withdrawals" (Fact Sheet)
Fabian Menalled, Montana State University
Mark Schonbeck, Virginia Association for Biological Farming

Manipulating Weed Seed Banks to Promote their Decline (Fact Sheet)
Daniel Brainard, Michigan State University
Charles Mohler, Cornell University
Mark Schonbeck, Virginia Association for Biological Farming

Cover Crops

Cover Crop Fundamentals (Fact Sheet)
Alan Sundermeier, The Ohio State University
Brief overview for those new to the concept.

Sustainable Crop Rotations with Cover Crops (Fact Sheet)
James Hoorman, Rafiq Islam, Alan Sundermeier, The Ohio State University
Examines various cover crop combinations and species and their ability to reduce compaction, increase soil organic matter, produce nitrogen, prevent weeds, and other benefits.

Using Cover Crops to Improve Soil and Water Quality (Fact Sheet)
James J Hoorman, Alan Sundermeier, Ohio State University

Midwest Cover Crops Council - Cover Crops Decision Tool (Online Tool)
Simple tool that allows you to view cover crops that meet your needs (weed control, nutrient scavenging, etc.)

Early Broadcast Seeding of Cover Crops into No-Till and Conventional Till Corn (On-Farm Trial Report)
Rory Lewandowski, Dean Slates, The Ohio State University
Past Warner grant reports at 

Ohio Farmer Dave Brandt talks about Cover Crops and Soil Health (SARE Video)

Cover Cropping to Suppress Weeds in Northeast US Farming Systems (Webinar) 
Bill Curran, Matt Ryan, Penn State University

Plant and Manage Cover Crops for Maximum Weed Suppression (Fact Sheet)
Mark Schonbeck, Virginia Association for Biological Farming


Organic Mulching Materials for Weed Management (Fact Sheet)
Dr. Mark Schonbeck, Virginia Association for Biological Farming

Weed Identification Guides

Identifying Weeds in Field Crops - Michigan State University 

Weed Identification - University of Minnesota Extension

Weed Identification & Management Tool - University of Wisconsin-Madison

Weed Id Guide - University of Missouri

Ohio Perennial and Biennial Weed Guide - Ohio State

Weed Images - University of Georgia and the Weed Science Society of America

Jump to a topic: General Ecological Weed Control | Cultivation | Weed Seedbank Management | Cover Crops | Mulching | Soil Health