Opportunities for Organic Collaborative Learning this Winter
We are less than a month away from the Ohio State Organic Grains Conference in Archbold, Ohio. This 2-day conference (January 4-5) is a great opportunity to learn from experienced organic farmers and educators. Programming is intended for current, transitioning, and new-to organic grain farmers, as well as crop consultants, agency personnel, input suppliers, and grain buyers. Featured speakers include Léa Vereecke from Rodale Institute, Dr. Joel Gruver from Western Illinois Univeristy, and numerous experienced Ohio organic grain growers. One and two-day registration, student rates are available. Discounted rates for extension educators and early registrations end this Friday, December 9! Register or see more details at www.go.osu.edu/organicgrainsreg.
Other opportunities to connect for collaborative learning are on their way this winter. See below!
Having trouble viewing this email? View the blogpost on the OFFER website at https://offer.osu.edu/blog/december-8-2022-1026am/opportunities-collaborative-learning-winter.
Monthly Farmer Researcher Network Meetings
Join our group of farmers, researchers, and educators from across Ohio as we discuss recent, on-going or future research pertinent to Ohio organic production. We meet online at noon the first Thursday of each month. For upcoming topics, reminders, and questions, contact Cassy Brown. Recordings of recent meetings are available on You Tube @OSU-organic.
Ohio State Winter Soil Health Webinars
The popular soil health webinar series is back again for 2023, featuring sepakers on precipitation, management, and soil health (January 5); biological products (February 2); intercropping and soil health (March 2); and soil health and water quality (March 30). Watch on line on Thursday mornings 8-9 am and be part of the discussion, or catch the recordings on your own time. Registration is required and can be completed at go.osu.edu/soilhealthweb.
Develop Your On-Farm Research Ideas Workshop – February 16, 2023
On February 16, as part of the 44th Annual OEFFA Conference Food and Farm School, OFFER will co-host an all-day workshop on crafting research partnerships and projects. More details are coming soon or contact Cassy Brown at Ohio State, Julia Barton at OEFFA, or Denise Natoli-Brooks at Central State. This is a great opportunity to form ideas and partnerships for on-farm research. To learn more about the OEFFA conference, go to https://conference.oeffa.org/.
Ohio State Research & Resources
FREE soilborne disease testing for high tunnel soils
Soilborne pathogens nibble away at plant roots and your profits. Follow this link to learn more about identifying soilborne diseases in tomato and this link for a soil health and root rot checkup. These pathogens are particularly bad in high tunnel vegetable production with limited crop rotation. The Ohio State Vegetable Pathology Lab along with USDA-ARS in Wooster, OH are offering free soilborne disease testing for high tunnel soils. The submission form can be found here: https://u.osu.edu/growingfranklin/2022/10/07/high-tunnel-soil-borne-disease-testing/
Effects of Pipeline Installation on Ohio Soils and Crops
Results from a 2-year study on the impacts of underground natural gas pipeline installation on Ohio cropland. Master’s student Theresa Brehm looked at 29 Ohio fields impacted by pipeline installation in the past 4-5 years, along with a survey of farmer experience with the installation process. The study noted undesirable changes in soil compaction, soil texture, soil moisture, aggregate stability, and number of rocks, chemical properties, and crop yields. Written summaries and a 22-minute video overview of results are available at https://soilfertility.osu.edu/research/pipelines-and-crop-productivity.
Organic Corn Production Budget
Click here to download the tool directly as an Excel file.
Downy Mildew Control Trials for Organic Cucurbits
2022 National Organic Research Agenda
Summary: offer.osu.edu/news/2022-national-organic-research-agenda
List of research priorities: offer.osu.edu/sites/offer/files/imce/Files/NORA22%20recs.pdf
For more organic news and resources from Ohio State, visit us online at offer.osu.edu.
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